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Classified under investing themes like growth, income, balance and many others, portfolio summary provides historic performance of proven portfolios.


Portfolio names are clickable for easy navigation.


Portfolio Suggestions:

Classified under investing themes like growth, income, balance and many others, portfolio suggestions provide proven portfolios for retail investors to review, analyze and learn from. Each theme has several portfolio options providing insights on portfolio structure and asset allocation. Investors can filter by portfolio themes and portfolio templates . Once a given portfolio is selected, clicking on the search button provides various analyses of the selected portfolio in detail as captured below.


Based on the theme and the portfolio selected, the Portfolio Suggestions features provides a closer look at the portfolio including AI-powered summary of the portfolio composition and risks, returns analysis, detailed portfolio composition, Benchmark comparison with S&P 500, Monthly returns analysis and historic risk analysis. Here are screenshots of each section of the analysis.

Portfolio Summary, Risk, Performance, and Returns

The screenshot below provides how AI generated summary and risk is available for each portfolio. It also provides a view of historic performance of the portfolio in the context of year to date, 1 year and 5 year returns


Portfolio Composition and Suggestions


This provides an overview of portfolio’s historic risk in terms of price drops and recovery.


Portfolio Correlation & Performance Summary

This provides an overview of correlation of portfolio’s components.

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Create Your Own Portfolio:


Investors can view and analyze all your custom portfolios using the ‘My Portfolios’ option. Simply select your portfolio from the dropdown, click ‘Search’ and review the portfolio (A detailed analysis as explained in the Portfolio Suggestions section above is available)the name in Portfolio Name column. Moreover, you can delete the portfolio by clicking the checkbox in Want to Delete column and then hit submit. This is a great way to track portfolios on an ongoing basis.


Users can select the portfolios and hit ‘Search’ for detailed comparison.


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Portfolio playbook is designed with comprehensive features to help investors build and optimize portfolios that matches their unique investment style. Tailored to your unique investing style, financial goals, and risk appetite, it’s your one-stop solution for smart, strategic investing.
