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Big Analytixs Sprngy Platform Azure Engineering Guide


Copyright © Big AnalytixsSprngy. All rights reserved.

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This document is a walkthrough to create, edit, delete and view import model through Big Analytixs UI


The list of tools required to run/develop in the UI are as follows:

  1. Visual Studio Code (Developers only)

  2. Python 3.8.10

  3. Flask 1.1.4

  4. Node 14.17.6

  5. npm 7.24.1

  6. R 3.6.3

  7. Big Analytixs Libraries

Import Model

An Import model is used to push data from a relational database to HDFS.

There are three aspects to this model:

  1. Create/Edit Import Model - This flow is to create (in the case it does not exist) or edit (in the case that it exists) an Import Model manually.

  2. Bulk Upload Import Model - Big Analytixs gives you the capability to upload a whole model created in a CSV file without manually creating it


  1. Sprngy Platform Bulk Uploads UI Documentation

  2. Run Import Workload - After creating an Import Model, we can run the import workload in order to have data processed for that respective Algorithm

Creating an Import Model:

Home Screen:

The image below is the Home screen of the UI.

Click on the three lines (pulls up the menu) and click on the “Create Import Model”



Clicking on the option above will route you to Screen zero, which is a page where you can select the Module Name and Entity Name that you want to create the Import model for.


For example, we are choosing ‘BAPRAM’ as the module name and ‘Customer’ as the entity name.

Form 1:

Clicking on “Create Import Model” will navigate you to the Form1(step 1) page. Form1 requires you to fill out the preEntity details and is a page with two steps. The following is the “Step 1”:


After these details have been filled out, you can hit on “Back” to go to “Step 1” or if you are done filling out your PreEntity Details you can hit on “Submit”.


If you hit “Submit”, you will be taken to the form2 page to fill out all of the Query Details.


After you are done with creating all your queries, click on “Final Submit”. This will create your import model in your local HDFS and route you back to your home screen.

Editing Import Model

Home Screen:

Click on the three lines (pulls up the menu) and click on the “Edit Import Model”


Edit Import Selection Screen:

In the screenshot below, you will be required to fill out the Module and Entity Name.


Clicking on the Submit button will fetch the import model from HDFS and navigate to Form1.


If an import model exists, you will be navigated to Form1 with the import model preEntity details pre-populated and editable as shown below:


Query Grid Screen:

Clicking on the “Submit” button on the Form1 page, will save your preEntity details locally and route you to the Query/Grid Screen. In this screen, you have the list of SQL queries that exist in the import model.


There are multiple functionalities that are available on this screen:

  1. Add New Query - It navigates you to the Form2 page (just as adding another query in the create flow), and you can create another query.

  2. The View Icon - This icon navigates you to another screen that displays the details of the particular query

  3. The Edit Query - This icon navigates to the add query page with pre-filled values. You can change the required field and save the updated query.

  4. Delete Icon - The Delete Icon gives you the ability to delete that particular query.

After making all changes to the import model, you can click on the “Final Submit” button in order to update the existing import model in the HDFS. It is IMPORTANT to remember that you have to click on the “FINAL SUBMIT” button in order for your changes to be permanently saved.
