Sprngy Platform Azure Engineering Guide
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This document is intended for:
BAPCORE Administrators
BAPCORE Developers
BAPCORE Architects
This document is a walkthrough to create and edit a Meta Model through the Big Analytixs UI.
The list of tools required to run/develop in the UI are as follows:
Visual Studio Code (Developers only)
Python 3.8.10
Flask 1.1.4
Node 14.17.6
npm 7.24.1
R 3.6.3
Big Analytixs Libraries
Logs Viewer
Logs Viewers allow users to view current logs. The current log captures all the activity happening in the background and can help in troubleshooting as well as understanding the current state of the application.
Home Screen:
The image below is the Home screen of the UI.
Click on the three lines (pulls up the menu) and click on the 'Logs' option. This will render the below screen.
Here, you can give the number of lines you want to read, along with the start point, i.e., from the start or end of the file, and click on Submit.
This will display a list of log messages.